Time to give PVS-Studio a try
I know that many programmers keep track of our articles and the development of our static code analyzer, PVS-Studio, but never actually tried it on their own projects. I know this from emails that go along the lines of “I’ve been reading your articles for a year, and it was after that recent article X that I finally made a decision to give your tool a try and check my project, and I have a question: ….” But why wait for so long?! :)
I decided to write this text to encourage those of our followers who are still hesitating to download and try the analyzer :). It’s easy as ABC!
- Visit the Download page https://www.viva64.com/en/pvs-studio-download/ and download the distribution
2) On the same page, submit your name, e-mail, and, if you wish, some additional details
3) Get an email with the license key and check your project
4) Get rid of the bugs
In addition to the “Quick Start” links given in the table, detailed documentation is also available: https://www.viva64.com/en/m/ If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact our support or me personally.
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Best regards,
Andrey Karpov, Microsoft MVP,
Ph.D. in Mathematics, CTO
“Program Verification Systems” Co Ltd.
URL: www.viva64.com